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The Free Online VIN Decoder
Decode VIN info quickly and easily
This free VIN decoder will decode the VIN info from passenger vehicles, cars, trucks, buses, trailers, low speed vehicles, motorcycles and more. The VIN decodes to give specific details of vehicle model, trim, engine specifications, safety features, place of manufacture and much more. This VIN decoder can be used to value a car as well as check its authenticity to ensure you don't buy a car that isn't quite what you expected.Its 100% free, detailed results are displayed for free and there are no additional charges to reveal further info. No adverts, no popups, no email and no hassle. You can even link directly to a results page for posting online. A link for you to copy and paste is shown on the first line of the results, you can anonymize your VIN by replacing the last 3 characters with *** and it will still decode.
Vehicle VIN :
Approx year : (Optional)
Some example VINs for you to try out :-
WVWAB7AJ3CW101842 WDDNG8GBXAA153123 1FDSX35L44EA16893 4T1BG22K31U863251 JH4KA3263KC011910 JH4DA3453GS006314 JN8AS5MV2BW292126 JKAVFDE199B561936 1N6AD0EV8FN792646 1G3HY5211SH333620 1HD1FC419BB617779 5XYKT4A25BG177003 ZFF79AMB001215292 5YJSA1E40FF000000 5YJ3E1EAXHF000333